THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT This week at Holy Mass, our first reading is from the Old Testament Book of Exodus, when Moses struck the rock in the desert to give his people miraculous water. God hears Moses’s stricken plea for help and directs him to draw water from the stone. Psalm 95 urges us to resist hardened hearts, referring to the Israelites from the first reading. In the second reading, St. Paul in his Letter to the Romans encourages us to stay strong in the face of adversity. The Gospel is a long one with a famed lengthy dialogue between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, a fascinating story that the Church prizes. It is full of gems of meaning from our Catholic faith. You may wish to consult your Lenten guides for more insights into this priceless tale of Our Lord’s thirst for us, our thirst for Him, and how to satisfy both desires.