Today we begin the joyful and penitential journey to the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior, Christmas. Advent means “coming,” and marks the start of the new liturgical year. We may set up and light the first purple candle on an Advent wreath. We may start making, collecting, and hanging our first ornaments on a Jesse tree. We open the first window of our Advent calendar. We may choose our Christkindl, the person to whom we will be like the Christ Child this Advent, secretly doing or making something kind for this recipient each day or every week in Advent - a prayer, Mass intention, rosary, leaving a holy card or medal, making a treat or gift, doing a chore. Readings at this Sunday’s Mass encourage us to watch for and wait for Lord. The priest wears purple or violet vestments during this season, similar to Lent. Church decorations are simple except for the big Advent wreath with its greenery, ribbons, and four candles. Sunday readings are from Year C in the three-year cycle. We will hear Luke's Gospel. His symbol is the winged ox.