This year's Advent Retreat will focus on the graces that come from adoring Our Lord--full of love, peace, and hope--and how those graces can transform our lives and the world in which we live.
The day begins at 8:30 A.M. and ends at 3:30 P.M. at Our Lady, Queen of Peace Church in Danville with talks by Fr. Robert Murphy, Fr. Harlow, and Br. Pio from the Franciscans of the Poor Christ, as well as parishioners. The day will offer chances to share your faith with others and experience inner healing through Jesus in the Eucharist. Come and bring a friend! Registrations are available at each of the churches and at the parish office. There is no fee for registration or lunch.
On Dec. 3, Giving Tuesday, we ask you to prayerfully consider
a donation to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal in support of our
Catholic schools, faith formation programs, emergency aid,
and so much more which allows the diocese to keep sharing
and living the Good News of Jesus Christ with the people of
Vermont. Give online at, call 802-658-6110 x 1102, or mail a
check payable to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, Roman Catholic
Diocese of Burlington, 55 Joy Drive, South Burlington, VT
The downstairs is open again. Flooring will be installed the first week of December. The moldy walls have been removed and a drainage system has been installed along the north and east walls. Father Harlow is very grateful to Mary Anne Gummere and her crew for cleaning up after the work. Father also thanks Ed Ledo and Greg Coutu for putting the kitchen cabinets back together. Please remember to spend time in the Adoration Chapel which is quiet again after the construction noise. There are a lot of hours where Jesus is all alone down there. We are one of the few churches in the Diocese that has an Adoration Chapel and it is a beautiful gift.
On many Saturdays, the priest celebrating the day's Mass may choose a Mass of Our Lady. This memorial is optional: the priest instead may use readings and prayers for the calendar day.
For those who want to bake cookies, please call Jean Fournier at 802-626-3385. We want to know ahead of time the number of cookies we will have and what kind. In other bazaar news, LARGE RAFFLE TICKETS are available to purchase for three different prizes. Call Diane Bailey at the Parish Office with any questions ..
This year's sale is in the parish hall from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Raffle items are needed. Please call Diane Bailey at 802-751-5756. Besides the Raffle, other features at this year's bazaar are the Cookie Walk, Attic Treasures, Puzzles, Children's Toys, and Christmas items. Please come and enjoy a great time at our sale!
Deacon Pete Gummere leads this group the third Sunday of each month at the St. John Rectory at 1:00 PM. The ministry focuses on prayer, but will include a time for sharing thoughts and experiences. This new ministry encourages praying for the deceased, and for comfort and help for their families. Please call Deacon Pete for more information: 802-274-0942.
Next Saturday night or next Sunday morning, turn your clocks back one hour to return to Standard Time. Paying attention to this fall change will help you arrive at Sunday Mass on time.
The night vigil at Christ the King Church in Burlington is for reparation to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary for our own sins and those of the whole world. The vigil begins with First Friday/All Saints Mass at 5:30 pm, and ends late that night with First Saturday/All Souls Mass at midnight, November 2. The evening will offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation with visiting priests, a procession with Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, praying all four Mysteries of the Rosary, blessing of the sick, moments of prayer and reflection, songs and hymns of praise, and quiet time for individual prayer. In addition, Barb Ernster from the World Apostolate of Fatima, will give a short talk. “Our Lady says that prayer can stay the hand of God!”
Masses for the Holy Day of Obligation are: 8:30 AM, St. John; Noon, Queen of Peace; 7:00 PM, St. Elizabeth. An All Souls Day Mass will be celebrated Saturday, November 2 at 8:30 AM at St. John. Please write your deceased loved ones names in the Books of Remembrance, available at each church entrance throughout November.
Founder of the Little Sisters of the Holy Family, Sr. Marie-Léonie Paradis became a saint last Sunday. Pope Francis presided at the ceremony for St. Marie-Léonie and 13 other new saints. St. Marie-Léonie was a Quebec native and is a distant relative of our parish office manager, Kate King. St. Elizabeth has a statue of our new saint in the church entrance.
The parish asks parishioners to take away flowers, vases, pots, and items you wish to keep by October 27. After that date, cleanup crews will throw away these items as they prepare the cemetery for the winter.
Please donate disposable diapers and baby wipes during our October drive for Futures Pregnancy Care in Lyndonville. Sizes needed are 4 and 5, and Pull-Ups. Futures also kindly requests $10 gift cards to Walmart.
Sallie has stepped down from the leadership role, but will be glad to assist the next chair for the St. John Bazaar. Please call the parish office if you're interested in running the bazaar: 802-748-8129.
Runners may sign up at the race website: The Challenge also is asking for volunteers to bake cookies, help on race day, or lend a hand in some other way. Please call Lynn at Good Shepherd School to volunteer: 802-751-8223.
The Corpus Christi St. Vincent De Paul Conference will sell rickets for the Art Raffle fundraiser after Masses this weekend. Prices are $2 for a single ticket, or $5 for three tickets. The drawing will be Tuesday, September 17 at the Conference meeting.
We hope the St. John basement work will begin October 24. It's delayed because the company doing the work is unable to find supplies. Groups may use the kitchen and basement until sometime near the start-of-work date. When work begins, the basement and kitchen will close. The stairs at the church entrance also will be blocked off, but the sanctuary stairs will be open. The recent flood damage created a bigger project. We hope that sump pumps and drainage systems prevent future damage, and correct the long-time basement drainage problem. Thank you to generous donors who contributed extra funds during our novena for parish improvement.
Classes are at St. John, Sunday after the 11:30 AM Mass, at the rectory. We are holding classes for ten weeks throughout the summer for teens and adults who want to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and/or Holy Communion). Classes cover Catholicism fundamentals including Prayer, the Church, Catholic moral teaching, the Sacraments, and the Creed. If you are interested, contact the Parish Office (751-8129 or or Deacon Tom Lovett
We are looking for people to teach part-time in these subjects: middle school science, humanities, and pre-Algebra. This is a wonderful opportunity to share your love for education and work with really great kids. Please note: Your employment will not impact your retirement benefits! For more information, please contact Lynn Cartularo at 802-751-8223 or email: